Saturday, November 25, 2017

Liposuction: The art of body sculpting

Most people are confused with liposuction as a weight loss surgery, but
Liposuction is a procedure to remove fat from the body using suction. For this, tiny cuts are made in the skin and fat is suctioned out using tiny tubes.

Dr. R. Jayakumar is a pioneer in the area of Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery. He is assisted by a highly skilled and dedicated team of doctors. 

  • Can return to normal activities immediately after the surgery 
  • Effectively remove fat in small areas 
  • Improved changes in body contour 
  • Local anesthesia is used 
  • It is an outpatient procedure 

Tumescent Liposuction: The liposuction is done with a large amount of dilute lidocaine is injected into the fatty tissue to make them tumescent.

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction: Here ultrasound is used to liquefy the fat. It is mostly used to remove fat from the neck, upper abdomen, sides, and back. 

Laser-assisted Liposuction: Low-energy waves are used to liquefy fats.

After the procedure

The area that was treated is wrapped firmly to help reduce swelling, bruising and pain. Compression garments have to wear for three to four weeks. Oral intake of antibiotics will be suggested. The patient can return to normal activities after a few days.

Liposuction is most suitable for the area that has not responded well to diet and exercise.
Liposuction is sometimes used in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures
Liposuction is used to treat certain medical conditions like: 

  • Benign fatty tumors(lipomas) 
  • Abnormal enlargement of male breasts(gynecomastia) 
  • Problems with metabolism of fat in the body 
  • Excessive sweating in the armpit area 

In this modern era, the demand for cosmetic treatment is one rise resulting in the mushrooming of cosmetic clinics. The success of cosmetic surgery lies in the selection of the apt center. Dr. Jayakumar had done many surgeries in the field and his quest for knowledge and research will definitely help the patients.

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Sunday, September 24, 2017

All About Nose Surgery: What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgery of nose reshaping . It is also considered as elective when preformed for cosmetic reasons.

Why Rhinoplasty surgery?

It changes the nose angle in relation to the face & the upper lip. Apart from this, rhinoplasty can be help in :
  • Reducing or increasing the nose size
  • Changing the shape of nose tip or the nasal bridge
  • Narrowing the nostrils opening
  • Changing the angle between the upper lip and the nose
  • Correcting an injury or a birth defect
  • Helping to relieve some breathing problems

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The surgeon makes small incisions to access the cartilage & bones that support your nose. The incisions are generally made inside the nose so that they are not visible after the surgery. Some cartilage or bone may be removed, or tissue may be added. After the surgeon has reshaped & rearranged the bone and cartilage, the tissue & skin is reshaped over the structure of the nose.

After Rhinoplasty Procedure:

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure but sometimes it requires one night stay in the hospital. The results of rhinoplasty are solely depends on the correction type and can be minor or significant. The results of rhinoplasty are permanent and cosmetic surgery should only perform on a fully developed nose.

Are You a Rhinoplasty Candidate!

Rhinoplasty can alter the shape, size and angle of your nose and make it proportionate with the rest of your face, if you find that your nose is not proportionate with your face then you can go for Rhinoplasty.

Apart from this, rhinoplasty is can also correct different conditions with the nose that cause problems in breathing and chronic congestion.

If you have any concerns or query regarding Nose Surgery, Don't hesitate to contact us. To get the best results after the surgery and get the Best Rhinoplasty Surgery in kochi :

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Look Good & Confident With Otoplasty !

Ear modification surgery treatment or otoplasty is one of the most secure cosmetic surgeries with good results. It refines the size, the shape and the position of the ear, moves prominent or protruding ears closer to the head and reduces the size of large ears.It can be easily done at Specialists Cosmetics Surgery Center as its the Best Center for Otoplasty treatment in Kerala

What Is Done Before Surgery?

Your medical history will be evaluated & you will be advised with regards to termination of smoking and medications comprising aspirin. The ears will be analyzed, evaluated and photographed. It should be kept in mind that the two ears are never symmetrical and some difference in their shape is bound to stay. The angle between the ear and the head is calculated.
The areas that will be excised or reshaped are marked and digital photographs are taken in order to document the amount of improvement after surgery.

What Is The Procedure?

It can be operated under local or local anesthesia. A small cut is made on the backside of the ear in the crease and the cartilage is exposed. The cartilage is modified (excised or reshaped) depending on the prep plan. The angle between the ear and the head is reduced and permanent stitches are used to retain the ear in the new position. The incision is closed with stitches under the skin and a fluffy cotton dressing is done. Bandage is placed on the ear to help in healing. The procedure takes only a couple of hours.

What Should Be Done Post Surgery?

Patients should be careful not to sleep on the sides for about 3 weeks. The bandage should be retained for a couple of days after which a headband will have to be worn for about 4 weeks. Pain and bruising near the ear are predicted but can be controlled by medication. Normal activity can be started in 2-3 days. The ears should not be dragged or strained till comprehensive healing has taken place as reversions are likely due to the 'memory' of cartilage. 

To get this simple yet effective cosmetic surgery done in one of the best cosmetic surgery center you can approach Specialists Cosmetic Center has it as some renowned cosmetic surgeons in Kochi.

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Get Chubby Cheeks With Fat Injection Procedures

A sunken or hollow cheeks are judged to be aesthetically weak characteristics. They make you look older and emancipated. Fat injections are cosmetic treatment measures developed to address these volume depletion issues. Facial fat injections are classic treatment techniques for better facial contouring and sculpting.

Fat Injection Procedure

The procedure of fat injection involves the extraction of fat from other parts of the body and injecting them into facial tissues to ensure better contouring and filling up of the sunken areas of the face. The procedure is conducted after numbing the area of treatment.

Fat tissues are collected from the areas of the patient’s body like thighs, stomach, buttocks and so on, with the help of techniques like liposuction. This extracted fat cells collected with gentle liposuction are then isolated and cleaned.

The ultimate step involves the injection of these cleaned and isolated fat cells into the sunken and hollow areas of face. This technique is also called fat transplantation. The procedure helps in eliminating the sunken look and plumping up the skin.

Am I Suitable Candidate For Fat Injection?

The procedure of liposuction is usually done to eliminate skinny and hollow face. The candidates who can get benefit from the treatment are as follows.
  • If you would like to enhance the facial volume without using cosmetic procedures like fillers.
  • If you want to straighten wrinkles and fine lines along with plumping up the skin
  • If you prefer more natural ways of plumping up the skin, without using a foreign body.
  • If you have lost layers of fat from facial skin.

Benefits Of Fat Injection

  • Fat injection involves natural components and hence limits chances for infection.
  • The procedure is versatile and can be used to correct depressions and scars on skin as well.
  • They last longer than other injectable cosmetic procedures.
  • Can be used in association with facial rejuvenation, dermabrasion as so on.
Fat injection procedures can be used on other body parts for better contouring procedures as well.

The first of its kind to introduce cosmetic surgery procedures in the state, Specialists Cosmetic Centre offers advanced and quality cosmetic procedures to address the various beauty concerns of today.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How to Make Your Eyes Look More Attractive ?

Eyelid Surgery is also called as eye lift or blepharoplasty. It reduces the bagginess from lower eyelids and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids. This surgery is mainly performed only for cosmetic reasons. It is also one of the effective ways to improve sight in older people whose sagging eyelids get in the way of their vision.

An eye lift will not eliminate dark circles under the eyes or other facial wrinkles. It is often performed along with other procedures such as laser resurfacing, filler injections or forehead lifts.
An eyelift takes about two hours if both the upper and lower eyelids are done together. The doctor will mostly use local anaesthesia along with oral sedation.
If you're having all four eyelids done, the surgeon will work on the upper lids first. The surgeon will mostly cut along the natural lines of the eyelids. Through these cuts, the surgeon will separate the skin from the tissue and remove the excess fat and skin. Next, the surgeon will close those cuts with very minute stitches. The stitches in the upper lids will stay for three to six days. Surgery on the lower eyelids can be done using several techniques. In one of the methods, the surgeon makes a cut inside your lower eyelid to remove fat. This cut won't be visible. The surgeon can then soften fine lines in the skin using a laser.
After eyelid surgery, you will have stitches in both lids that will remain for as long as a week. It is very common to have swelling and occasionally, bruising, but your eyelids will look normal within a week or two.
Dr R Jayakumar of Specialists Cosmetic Centre, Kochi provides state of the art service in almost every aspect of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rhinoplasty - Enhancing Your Natural Beauty

Rhinoplasty is a surgery performed to reshape the nose. It can make the nose larger or smaller, change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip, correct bumps or alter the tip of the nose, indentations or other defects in the nose. Cosmetic surgeries such as Rhinoplasty can change one's personality and boost up one's confidence and performance. Rhinoplasty can also correct structural problems with the nose that causes chronic congestion and breathing problems.

During rhinoplasty, doctor makes incisions to access the bones and cartilage that support the nose. The incisions are made inside the nose so that they are invisible after the surgery. Depending on the desired result, some bones and cartilages are removed and tissues will be added. After the surgeon has rearranged and reshaped the bone and cartilage, the skin and tissue is wrapped over the structure of the nose. A splint is placed outside the nose to help support the new shape of the nose as it heals.
Rhinoplasty is done using general or local anesthesia. Surgeons who do rhinoplasties typically have training in either plastic surgery or otolaryngology or both.

The bandaging and support around the nose will be removed in about a week. The face will feel puffy and the area around the eyes and nose will be bruised and swollen for several days. Cold compresses can help minimize the swelling and reduce pain. The doctor may also recommend pain medicine. It takes about 10 to 14 days for most of the swelling and bruising to improve. There may be a need to keep the head elevated and relatively still for the first few days after surgery.

The results of rhinoplasty might be minor or significant, depending on what kind of correction is required. If the expectations are realistic and the plastic surgeon shares them, he or she will probably be able to give the best results required.
The results of rhinoplasty are permanent, although subsequent injury or other factors can change the nose's appearance. Cosmetic surgery should only be done on a fully developed nose. If surgery is done before this time, continued development of the nose can alter the surgical results and possibly cause complications.

Specialists Cosmetic Centre is a renowned clinic for cosmetic and plastic surgeries in Kochi, Kerala. The clinic is manned by Dr. Jayakumar, acclaimed Plastic, Cosmetic and Microvascular Surgeon in India who has done many successful reconstruction surgeries.

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